1-Electric Brake on 3 Ton 2-Electric Brakes on 5 and 7 Ton 14" Radial Tires on 3 Ton 15" Radial Tires on 5 Ton 16" Radial Tires on 7 Ton 2 5/16" A Frame Coupler on 3 Ton 2 5/16" Adjustable Coupler on 5 and 7 Ton 2000 Lb Jack on 3 Ton 7000 Lb Jack on 5 and 7 Ton Steel Floor 3 Stage Telescopic Cyclinder (*12 Ton cylinder, 5 gal pump on 16ft) 4 - (5000 Lb) D-Rings 16" Sides Tarp and Roller Combo Gate Toolbox with Battery and Pump Inside Surface Mount Lighting on 3 Ton Sealed Beam Lighting on 5 and 7 Ton 1 Year Limited Warranty
{"id":"7816","name":"DTC612T3","length":"12'","attributes":"\n Brakes:1 ELECTRIC Payload:4575# Weight:2425# \n \n ","width":"72\"","weight":"7000#","axles":"TANDEM","intlength":""}
{"custom_option":[],"option":[{"Code":"","category_id":"137","Quantity":1,"quote_summary_override":"","standard":false,"Category":"Lighting","option_id":"111602","Method":"flat","Price":"$130.00","Description":"SEAL BEAM LIGHTING 6' WIDE AND UP"},{"Code":"","Quantity":1,"category_id":"164","Method":"flat","option_id":"111605","standard":true,"Category":"Toolbox","quote_summary_override":"","Description":"TOOLBOX WITH PUMP AND BATTERY INSIDE","Price":"$0.00"}],"additional_option":[]}